Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders - A Judge’s
By Judge Chris Melonakis
I first learned about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) approximately
15 years ago while still practicing law. A client had been charged
with arson after store security video captured him setting fire
to a paper products section in a local department store. After his
arrest, he also confessed to burning his neighbor’s house
to the ground.
During my initial conversations with my client and at later meetings,
it became manifest that his cognitive functioning was impaired.
His mental processes reflected a lack of appreciation for the seriousness
of his conduct. I became convinced that he was developmentally disabled;
however, all of the historical information I obtained from his parents
as well as his medical and mental health history disclosed that
he did not meet the criteria for a developmental disability diagnosis.
His parents had nearly bankrupted themselves in obtaining mental
health treatment for him over the years. He had been through both
in-patient and outpatient mental health treatment, without appreciable
inroads. Nobody had conducted a thorough assessment, including biological
familial history assessment, in connection with his medical condition.
Since the case was clearly not defensible on the facts or the prevailing
law, and in light of my concerns regarding my client’s competency,
we made the decision to raise the issues of both competency and
sanity in the criminal proceedings. Over the course of the psychological
and psychiatric assessments conducted in connection with the insanity
and competency issues, the evaluators discovered that this young
man had been adopted. They requested additional information regarding
his birth mother, which my client’s adoptive parents were
able to produce. This historical information disclosed that his
biological mother had seriously abused alcohol during her pregnancy.
My client received a full-blown assessment based upon these historical
facts as well as new mental health and physical examinations. He
was diagnosed with FAS. Unfortunately, he was also determined competent
to proceed to trial.
The prosecuting attorney and judge were both willing to permit
his sentence to be rehabilitative rather than punitive if I could
find an appropriate treatment center. Despite the seriousness of
his offenses, all reports from his jailers and others who had contact
with him found him to be child-like, pleasant and compliant, and
a model prisoner. He was also frail and subject to risk for significant
exploitation by his fellow prisoners. It was apparent to everybody
that that he was likely to leave prison a far more dangerous person
than he was when he entered the penitentiary.
Recognizing this young man’s needs, I started learning everything
I could about FAS and how it could be treated so that I could give
everybody involved some options other than a prison sentence. What
I learned was terribly disheartening. There was little information
available in the public domain regarding the condition, although
I did learn some important facts about drinking during pregnancy.
There was nothing available regarding treatment. The combination
of the information contained in the professional evaluations that
indicated my client was unpredictable with a high risk for future
criminality, the serious nature of the offenses, and my inability
to find a facility that could treat his diagnosed condition, resulted
in the judge imposing a 16-year sentence.
It is a case that has haunted me for years. There is no doubt that
this young man could have been managed in a setting other than prison
where he was undoubtedly exploited and abused by other inmates.
The structure that the county jail provided permitted him to function
with little disruption and without posing a danger to himself or
those around him. For years I believed that there had to be a better
way to deal with people like him.
When Eileen Bisgard approached me with the opportunity to apply
to participate in one of the FASD Center For Excellence’s
local initiatives, I gladly agreed. We were fortunate enough to
be designated one of the local sites for development of screening
and assessment services through the United States Department of
Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration. This designation has permitted us to start the process
of screening, assessing and, hopefully, treating young people with
a Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD) diagnosis that have contact
with our court system.
Statistically approximately 40,000 people a year are diagnosed
with FAS. It is my belief that a much greater number of children
are born with FAS or a FASD. Common sense leads me to this conclusion.
In 2004 there were 872,000 documented cases of child abuse or neglect
in the United States.1 In my court, in a comparable period,
87% of the families that entered the child welfare system did so
with drug or alcohol abuse as a major component of the familial
dynamic that led to the filing of the case. It is not a large leap
of logic to conclude that children in the child welfare system were
likely to have been parentally exposed to alcohol in a significant
percentage of these cases.2
Moreover, women who abuse drugs and alcohol while pregnant are
less likely to seek medical treatment because they fear having their
children removed from their custody. Such care may lead to better
statistical information regarding the incidence of prenatal alcohol
consumption.3 These dynamics lead to the common sense
conclusion that FAS and FASD are substantially underreported.
What is the significance of these conclusions to the court? First,
many of the behaviors that children diagnosed with FASD demonstrate
are common in delinquent or truant children. The six primary core
behavior traits of individuals with FASDs are present in many children
who come before the court in delinquency or truancy cases. Second,
these children are more likely to enter the child welfare system
in order to have their needs met because they come from an environment
that is likely to compromise their safety, well being and permanency.
Children who are abused or neglected are more likely to face a multiplicity
of lifetime difficulties. These issues by their very nature inevitably
lead to some type of judicial involvement in dissolution of marriage
proceedings, criminal prosecutions or civil proceedings such as
dependency cases.
In a compelling article, Whitecrow Camp for Children with Fetal
Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A Pediatrician’s View published
in June 2005 by the British Columbia Medical Association in the
British Columbia Medical Journal, Dr. Jonathan Down describes his
experience attending a camp for children with FASD. His description
of the difficulties he experienced in identifying the “invisible
disability” of FASD in some fellow volunteers is instructive.
As a highly trained and experienced professional who had routinely
dealt with FASD, it was only after these volunteers spoke about
their disabilities that he was able to identify their impairments.
The significance of this observation is important when placed in
a forensic context. Dr. Down describes the impairment in this way:
“People with FASD often have damage to the part of the
brain required for self-regulation. In a medical report, I would
term this “inhibition of socially inappropriate behavior.”
After my experiences at Whitecrow, however, I know that with FASD
it really means that “he or she doesn’t have an off
button.” This is a very simple idea, but of critical importance
if one is aiming to avoid behavioral deterioration. Once those
with FASD start down a behavioral pathway, such as becoming increasingly
physical toward others, it is very hard for them to change their
behavioral direction or trajectory. The take-home message for
me was: don’t push the on button, and if you do,
try to recognize it early and redirect.9 ”
In the context of an environment in which a young person with FASD
comes before the court for having committed a delinquent act, attempting
to “rehabilitate” the juvenile by appropriately sanctioning
his or her conduct and then treating the juvenile through traditional
modalities such as anger management programs or community service
work is likely to have exactly the opposite of the intended result.
These young people must be dealt with by a protocol that manages
a disability that is the result of brain damage not a behavioral
manifestation of an emotional disorder.
A trained professional can often rather quickly identify children
with FAS simply by looking at facial features. The more subtle forms
of FASD are not so easily identified. If a judge, probation officer
or other professional is dealing with a child whose behavior is
driven by a child’s undiagnosed or unrecognized medical disability
as opposed to a mental health or emotional disorder, well-meaning
interventions may result in even more social acting out which routinely
brings the young person back before the court for probation violations,
ultimately resulting in unnecessary detention or institutionalization.
Where a young person can be managed in the community through an
appropriate intervention after a better, more discrete assessment,
the potential savings in human, social and fiscal resources are
One of Dr. Down’s anecdotes in his article highlights the
significance of this dynamic:
“People with FASD are very literal in their interpretation
of language. Alcohol appears to damage part of the brain that
is responsible for language nuance and subtlety. Over coffee one
evening, we were talking about a school in Victoria that historically
used to segregate the boys from the girls. On
the school wall, carved into the stone were the words boys
and girls over their respective doorways. However, when
Annie heard the part about girls and boys being carved into stone,
her comment was “that must have hurt them.” I learned
to avoid the use of the negative. “Don’t run”
was ineffective. “Walking feet” made for good communication.
I became extremely aware of my language at Whitecrow. I realized
that I enjoy wordplay, but that it could be a barrier. I learned
to keep my language simple and unambiguous.
People with FASD have difficulty in the area of generalization.
At Whitecrow, the rules applied to everyone, not just the campers.
For example, the beach and waterfront were out of bounds except
when a lifeguard was present. Volunteers were required to model
the behavior that was expected of the campers. This precluded
walks to the beach at sunset. It also curtailed any goofing around
that might be misinterpreted.
Executive function is usually damaged by prenatal alcohol exposure.
For some reason the prefrontal cortex, where this function is
mainly located, is particularly vulnerable. Changes in routine,
schedule and planning have the potential for creating confusion
in the mind of an affected person. This was forcefully brought
home to me on the day when a government member of the Legislative
Assembly arrived, together with the media, to view the camp. It
threw a wrench in the day for many kids, because their schedule
was disrupted. There were emotional repercussions to this, as
many of the children became hyper and labile later in the day.
The limbic system, which is responsible for emotional regulation,
is located close to the prefrontal cortex. It is not surprising
that emotional volatility may accompany changes in routine.
One of the more difficult personal challenges for me was withholding
physical contact with the kids, unless they initiated it first.
With my own children, that was always part of the fun of being at
the beach. At Whitecrow, roughhousing in the water at the beach
was a no-no. This related to the “on-off switch” phenomenon
and also the need to model behavior. Alcohol often interferes with
sensory processing. For those with FASD, a simple hug or chance
touching may be painful and may elicit an aggressive response. Professionally,
I realized that I would need to stop giving reassuring touches to
my patients.10”
In Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and the Role of Family
Court Judges in Improving Outcomes for Children and Families,
Diane V. Malbin nicely summarizes the challenges in dealing with
persons with FASD in a legal setting. Ms. Malbin relates successful
treatment plans that dealt with system-involved children. Prior
treatment plans had failed because:
“Standard assessments that determined IQ, academic achievement,
and behavior profile were descriptive findings that only captured
Fred’s symptoms. Fred was diagnosed and treated for behavioral
problems, not brain damage.
Years of interventions for his behaviors were ineffective. Improvements
were achieved not by employing methods to stop presenting symptoms,
but rather by recognizing their source and providing appropriate
accommodations. These were inexpensive and effective. Symptomatic
behaviors previously targeted for intervention became cures for
identifying points of poorness of fit. The shift was from
trying to change Fred and seeing his behaviors deteriorate to
providing adaptations appropriate for his disability and achieving
changes in his behaviors as a result. (Emphasis supplied)11
In order to deal with children who have are diagnosed with FASD,
judges, probation officers, social workers and other professionals
must undergo a paradigm shift in approach. The appropriate approach
is to accommodate a physical disability through appropriate structure
rather than attempt to attain compliance by intermediate sanctions.
The latter approach is likely to simply initiate a process that
results in escalating behavior with completely predictable and costly
Recognizing this dynamic has caused our judicial district to refer
every juvenile who is adjudicated delinquent to the Seventeenth
Judicial District FASD Initiative to be screened for FASD. If the
screen is positive, there is a referral for further assessment to
an agency specializing in diagnosing and treating FASD. Thereafter,
treatment planning for addressing the the disability as opposed
to dealing with behavioral symptoms of the disability is integrated
into the probation order. This process is still in its infancy and
our court has not yet fully assessed our success rates. We are,
however, very hopeful that there will be positive outcomes for children,
families and community safety.
The process has required many hours of multi-disciplinary planning
meetings, numerous inter-agency trainings and a willingness by all
stakeholders to revisit some well-established practices. Ultimately,
we are hopeful that we can have a direct and positive impact upon
the quality of life in the communities that we serve by addressing
a frequently overlooked cause for community disruption.
Judge Chris Melonakis is a District Court Judge
in the Seventeenth Judicial District in Brighton, Colorado. In 2005-2006
he served as the Lead Judge for the Brighton Model Court through
the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, and has
been active in many family- and juvenile-support community activities.
1 Source, Child Maltreatment 2004, United
States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for
Children and Families.
2The national statistics indicate that, of the children
who were maltreated in the reporting year, 62.4% of the maltreatment
was as a result of neglect, 2.1% were medically neglected and 14.5%
of the victims suffered from “other” abuse or neglect
including “congenital drug addiction”. Almost all of
these case types that came into my court involved long-term drug
or alcohol abuse. Source for Statistics: Child Maltreatment 2004,United
States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for
Children and Families.
3Starting the Conversation: Town Hall Meetings on
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention,
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2004).
4Wasserman, G. A., Keenan, K., Tremblay, R., Coie, J.
D., Herrenkohl, T. I., Loeber, R. and Petechuk, D., Risk and
Protective Factors of Child Delinquency, Child Delinquency Bulletin
Series, United States Department of Justice, Office of Justice
Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
(April, 2003).
5These traits as identified in the publication FAS Terms
and Conditions by the Family Resource Institute in 2005 are: (1)
Extreme vulnerability to peer influence; (2) Volatile/dangerous
behavior without predatory intent; (3) Inability to see the need
to follow rules; (4) Continuing childlike innocence regardless of
age, IQ and experience; (5) Egocentricity: living in the moment
for immediate gratification; and (6) Disrupted understanding of
cause and effect in every life domain: physical, social, mental,
and moral. Compare, Wasserman, Ibid.
6Child Maltreatment 2004, supra.
7Widom, C. S., Childhood Victimization: Early Adversity,
Later Psychopathology, National Institute of Justice Journal
(January, 2000).
9Down, J., Whitecrow Camp for Children with Fetal
Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A pediatrician’s view, BC
Medical Journal, Volume 47, Number 5, pp. 269-270 (June, 2005).
11Malbin, D. V., Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
(FASD) and the Role of Family Court Judges in Improving Outcomes
for Children and Families, National Council of Juvenile and
Family Court Judges, Juvenile and Family Court Journal at page 60
(Spring, 2004).
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Beyond a Diagnosis
By Susan Ryan
Some researchers (Streissguth et al. 1996; 1997) assert that receiving
a diagnosis early improves the outcomes for individuals with FAS
and FASD. If a child receives a diagnosis of FAS or a qualified
professional acknowledges that a child has FASD, does this really
make a difference in a child’s life? Do children who receive
a diagnosis or have an acknowledgement of FASD in fact receive intervention
or treatment to support successful educational and community life
Our findings reveal that the answer to the above questions is “no,”
at least for the five students in this study. This brief article
discusses the results of a four-year case study centered on the
lives of five students who received an early diagnosis of FAS or
were acknowledged as having FASD. Our findings question the extent
to which the diagnosis resulted in improvements in these students’
lives. Implications for: (a) the need for educational interventions
in school programs; (b) the need for family support and respite;
and (c) possible future directions, are shared here.
During 2001-2005, we conducted the qualitative study using interviews,
participant observations and document analysis to ascertain the
educational and life outcomes of students who had either received
a diagnosis of FAS or had been verified as having FASD.
The 71 individuals interviewed included the five focus-student
participants; their biological, adoptive and foster parents; extended
family members; parent navigators (parents whose role it is to advocate
and support a family through the diagnostic process); diagnostic
team members; childcare workers; special and general educators,
principals and special education directors; superintendents; psychologists,
social workers and counselors; police officers; physicians; residential
treatment center staff; and behavioral health counselors.
The five key participants ranged from 3 to 19 years old. The key
participants were of diverse backgrounds and included an Athabascan
Alaska Native, an Athabascan/African American, a Tlingit Alaska
Native, a Yupik Alaska Native, and a Caucasian student. Of the five
students with FASD, one had been diagnosed with FAS while the overall
diagnostic classifications for the other four students included
FAE, static encephalopathy, sentinel physical findings, neurobehavioral
disorders and alcohol exposure. All students had received a diagnosis
or were identified as having FASD or a diagnosis on the FASD spectrum.
These five students, Paul, Alan, Oscar, Ellie and Adam, participated
in the study for four years (Alan was placed in an out-of-state
facility after one year, so he was involved in the study only that
The findings from this study are published in several
Ryan, S. & Ferguson, D. (2006). “On, yet under the
radar”: Students with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.
Exceptional Children, 72(3), 363-379.
Ryan, S. & Ferguson, D. (2006). The person behind the face
of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: Student experiences and family
and professionals’ perspectives on FASD. Rural Special Education
Quarterly, 25(1), 32-40.
Dybdahl, C. & Ryan, S. (in press). FAS Inclusion: Classroom
teachers talk about practice. Preventing School Failure.
Summary of significant findings
- Medical personnel focus on the impact of alcohol on
the developing brain whereas educators focus on function.
Educators and medical personnel do not always see eye-to-eye on
what is most important for students with FAS or FASD. Medical
personnel interviewed in this study indicated that receiving a
diagnosis was most important. Acknowledging the absence or presence
of FAS or FASD was, in their minds, critical to the future success
of students with FASD. For example: One physician stressed the
importance of “getting the parent to understand that there
is brain damage due to alcohol.” Another team member stated,
“There is organic and irreversible brain damage due to the
alcohol consumption of the biological mother during pregnancy.”
Anne, an FAS coordinator, described the behavior of a child with
FAS as, “what you are seeing is not noncompliance, but pathology.”
If medical personnel wanted to know the “what” of
a child’s diagnosis, educators including teachers and administrators
tended to want to know “how” in an effort to improve
educational outcomes and participation for students with FAS and
FASD. Knowing that a child had FAS or FASD did not influence an
educator or assist a teacher in the classroom on a day-to-day
basis. As the following teacher shares, she needs to know what
specific learning strategies might improve a child’s reading,
writing, numeracy and other educational outcomes. “[The
idea that] the fact that you know something about this person,
that they have FASD or that their mother had abused a drug or
used alcohol, and that this affects them is going to make a difference.
And I reject that premise. I don’t think it is going to
make a difference; the fact that you know that is not going to
change one thing in the child’s life unless you get it down
to the level again of what happens to the child on a day-to-day
basis at home, in the community, in the classroom. How does that
child learn? How do we have to teach? How do we have to, you know,
adapt what we’re doing, change what we’re doing to
accommodate his learning needs? And that is different for a wide
range of people with that diagnosis. I mean, what you do for one
is not necessarily going to work for another.”
- Parents’ focus on supports.
Parents interviewed during the four-year study indicated that
they needed specific help from professionals beyond a diagnosis.
One father told us that, “If I had known then (when he adopted
Oscar) what I know now (in terms of lack of support), I would
not have adopted Oscar.” Other parents echoed his desire
to have received supports such as respite care, in-home coaching
on how to deal with their child’s behavioral issues, and
resources for their other children. Parents also shared that life
with their child with FASD did not really change after receiving
a diagnosis.
- Children’s experiences:
The students in this study experienced: many foster or out-of-home
placements throughout their lives; multiple deaths of family members
(parents, siblings) associated with alcohol consumption; juvenile
detention; school suspensions; and treatment facilities. These
children’s experiences underscore the immediate and pressing
needs of students with FASD.
- Participants’ suggestions:
The family members, educators and diagnostic team members provided
the following suggestions for supporting the needs of students
with FASD.
- Provide ongoing training and support to classroom teachers.
- Support families through respite care.
- Ensure students receive intervention to enhance their academic
and social skills.
- Examine the disparity between services provided for students
with Autism Spectrum Disorders and students with FASD.
- Build coordinated services across agencies to link a medical
diagnosis with an educational and community-based assessment
and intervention.
- Include FASD in special education research and program implementation
- The “take home message:” What will turn
the tide for students with FASD?
- Trained and skilled teachers and caregivers.
- Support to/for families (wrap-around services).
- No diagnosis without treatment and intervention.
- Create programs and services to meet the children’s
and their families’ needs.
- Build coordinated services across agencies to link a medical
diagnosis with an educational and community-based assessment
and intervention.
- Include FASD in special education research and program
implementation agendas.
In summary, we urge policymakers and practitioners to begin addressing
the needs of our students with FASD. During the four years of this
study, we noticed an increase in services for and to students with
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Yet, many of our students with
FASD live each day without the services and supports that they need.
Iceberg readers may learn a great deal from advocacy organizations
for individuals with ASD. We hope that in the coming years students
with FASD and their families may look forward to the same services
and programs as students with ASD.
Dybdahl, C. & Ryan, S. (in press). FAS Inclusion: Classroom
teachers talk about practice. Preventing School Failure.
Gorman, A. (1995). Factors associated with disrupted school experiences
in subjects with fetal alcohol syndrome: Overcoming secondary
disabilities. Seattle: University of Washington.
Ryan, S. & Ferguson, D. (2006). “On, yet under the
radar”: Students with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.
Exceptional Children, 72(3), 363-379.
Ryan, S. & Ferguson, D. (2006). The person behind the face
of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: Student experiences and family
and professionals’ perspectives on FASD. Rural Special Education
Quarterly, 25(1), 32-40.
Streissguth, A. (1997). Fetal alcohol syndrome: A guide for families
and communities. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.
Streissguth, A., Barr, H. M., Kogan, J., & Bookstein, F.
L. (1996). Understanding the occurrence of secondary disabilities
in clients with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and fetal alcohol
effects (FAE): Final report to the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention on Grant No. R04/CCR008515 (Tech. Report No. 96-06).
Seattle: University of Washington, Fetal Alcohol and Drug Unit.
Readers may address correspondence to Susan Ryan
at the College of Education, 3211 Providence Dr., Anchorage, Alaska
99508. She can be reached via phone at (907) 786-4435; fax at (908)
786-4474; and e-mail at afsmr@uaa.alaska.edu. The author expresses
her deep appreciation to the families who participated in this project
as well as to the teachers and professionals who provided input.
return to top
Rules for Living with Adults with FASD
By Renae Sanford
I first started working with people with FASD about 40 years ago,
long before we had even heard of FAS, FAE, ARND, PFAS or any of
the other alphabet soups we now associate with prenatal exposure
to alcohol. This was also long before the wonderful people at the
University of Washington in Seattle identified that prenatal exposure
to alcohol caused a special set of problems for children.
I was working as a paraprofessional social worker for Big Sisters
in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The mere fact that I did
not have a degree made me work extra hard to be aware of all of
the latest in the field. For that reason I learned about the studies
at the University of Washington very early on.
My caseload at that time included more than 300 little sisters
and another 300 big sisters. In some of those cases we did not seem
to have any success with the girls no matter what we tried. When
the descriptions of FAS and FAE were published, the light bulb over
my head went on and I had the big “AH HA” moment.
In later years I worked as an Addictions Counsellor in the First
Nation in Northern Ontario and currently I am proprietor of a private
home boarding and supporting adults with FASD. In both I have been
faced with trying to help overwhelming numbers of persons with FASD.
As a result of this work from the late 1960s to the present, I
have developed some skills for working with adults with FASD.
My style tends to be laid back, but with structure. I have very
few rules for the people in my house. The rules are simple and direct:
- No drugs or alcohol and no one under the influence of drugs
or alcohol is allowed anywhere on my property.
- No smoking in the house.
- Everyone in the house bathes or showers, and wears clean clothes
- No perfumes or scents (I’m allergic).
- No invasion of another persons’ space: This includes
me. I never enter their rooms without first knocking and asking
permission. And I never enter if they are not present.
- Our home is sacred and we should think of it that way at all
- I am in charge of all things at all times. These adults have
often lived with chaos. They need to know that someone is in charge;
it gives them a sense of security and family. They know in their
hearts that they aren’t in charge.
The rules for me are a little more complex:
- Respect and treat each person in the house as an adult and
an individual.
- Involve birth families whenever possible.
- Don’t take ANYTHING said or done personally.
- Honour my responsibility to protect the residents at all costs.
- Foster growth of the individual, but don’t expect them
to meet my expectations or even their own expectations.
- Only ask them to do what they can succeed at. If I don’t
think they can succeed, I don’t ask.
- Don’t sweat the little stuff. It doesn’t really
matter if someone is late for dinner. It matters that they made
it home at all. It doesn’t really matter if someone can’t
get out of bed every morning. It matters that they are alive.
It doesn’t really matter if someone doesn’t pass in
school. It matters that they haven’t killed someone today.
- Love shows. I usually don’t love my guys when they first
come to my home. They are usually not very lovable people when
I get them off the streets. It is, however, important to show
them the love that every person deserves. I have never had a tenant
that I didn’t learn to love with time.
- Always try to think outside the box.
- Take care of myself. I try very hard to be aware of the least
amount of stress. I am no good to these guys unless I am good
to myself.
- Our home is sacred and we should think of it that way at all
Renae Sanford is President of Wholistic Family
Legacy Foundation in Salmon Arm, B.C., Canada. She can be reached
at 250-833-4734 or renae_r@telus.net Renae is also a member and
avid supporter of faslink.